

Sprout Portrait
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Sprout counters these Brawlers

Sprout is countered by these Brawlers


Sprout's gameplay style is a more passive and slow approach, requiring you to capitalize on Sprout's ability to shoot over walls and bounce his shots. At the beginning of the match, you should be more passive, charging your super whilst trying to help your teammates with pinching their enemies. Once you charge your super, you can use it to block off key choke points, restricting enemy movement, or to use your super as cover to advance, such as in open maps against sharpshooters. Don't be shy to use your bounce shots to secure kills on enemies, as it can be really effective to finish off low health enemies.

Do not be too aggressive with Sprout, as he has little to no escape mechanic except his super(to a certain extent). Overextending with Sprout most likely won't end well for you. You should always be ready to plant your super either to help your teammates, or to protect them and yourself. When in a more dominant position, you can use transplant to cycle supers and trap the enemies in their spawn, practically guaranteeing a free win.

Speed: Speed Gear can be used in more bushy and open maps, such as Flaring Phoenix or Out In The Open to allow Sprout to dodge shots from sharpshooters more effectively. Not very Effective in non-bushy maps.

Vision: Vision Gear can be used in bushy maps to allow you and your team to hit multiple shots at a time on the revealed enemy. In non-bushy maps however, this Gear is not very Effective.

Health: Not a very Effective Gear, as Sprout is usually able to hide behind a wall and not take damage, thus not requiring the Health Gear, or gets jumped on/shot at by snipers or assassins that do much more damage than the health Gear can heal in time.

Shield: This Gear can be very useful on Sprout, as he has 4500 health at power 11. Using the shield Gear, this goes up to 5100, allowing you to survive 3 shots from some brawlers like Belle and Ruffs. However, in most maps Sprout would be able to just hide behind a wall, thus reducing his reliance on the shield Gear.

Damage: One of the more recommended Gears for Sprout. He does little damage at power 11, at 1470 damage per attack. With the damage Gear, this goes up to 1690 damage with the damage Gear, allowing him to 3 shot more brawlers that he would not have been able to before, such as Penny, Gus, Tara and Mr. P. Furthermore, Sprout can choose to take a small amount of damage to activate his damage Gear, then proceed to hide behind a wall and lob shots over the wall, thus preventing the low health from affecting him too much.

Super Charge: The must-use Gear for Sprout, it allows him to charge his Super in 4 hits instead of 5. Need I say more?

Bouncing Shots - Sprout's shots are able to bounce multiple times against walls after it lands, however, many randoms who play Sprout don't really think much of this. Bounce shots are very useful for catching enemies off-guard with your shots, or just to make the shot difficult to dodge in general. Not only that, with the correct angle, the bounce can extend Sprout's range by up to 2 whole blocks(or 6 tiles). Coupled with Overgrowth, the bounce shot may allow you to outrange even Piper and Gene.

Wall Pierce - While rare, Sprout's shots are able to pierce walls and hit enemies on the other side. By positioning your shot such that it explodes right beside the wall, you are able to hit enemies on the other side of the wall, even without Overgrowth. It's not something I would recommend relying on, as it requires the enemy to be pressed up against the wall and is hard to master.

super Placement - Sprout's super places a cross-shaped wall piece on the map, but is also able to extend and connect with nearby walls. In certain maps, such as Flaring Phoenix, this means you can potentially block off a large part of the map, due to the wall extensions.

Shot Extensions - Sprout is able to extend his attack range with the help of large blocks of walls. If you aim slightly to the back of a large wall piece, the shot will try to land on the other side before travelling, allowing you to potentially extend your range by a few tiles.

super Timing - Sprout actually gets a small immunity frame if you place the super on yourself, knocking yourself into the air. While not easy to pull off, it can come in very clutch especially against heavy hitting attacks such as Dynamike's super, and it looks REALLY cool. Even if you are unable to master this, you can still use your super on yourself to push yourself a few tiles forward, and this can help to dodge shots that may otherwise hit you.

Transplant vs Wallbreakers - If an enemy tries to use their gadget/supers to break your super wall, you can transplant BEFORE their shot hits to bait out their gadget, then quickly replant the super, thus wasting their wallbreak.

Sprout's super can be used to effectively reroute spawns from enemies that would otherwise be detrimental, such as a Tick-head (be mindful of your teammates health...), or Eve's babies.

Sprout super can be placed directly on top of Nani's super (Peep) to cause an immediate detonation. This can be used in combination with Transplant to make some amazing saves.

Sprout's super can interupt, block, or redirect the following brawlers supers: Fang, Buzz, Tara, Darryl, Sam, Collete, Carl, Frank, Maisie, and Gray (by putting it over the portal)

Sprout's super can block projectiles like Piper's Homemade Recipe gadget, and interrupt Carl's Flying Hook gadget.

When against an enemy Willow, you can prevent her from saving herself with her super by trapping your teammate next to her.

Sprout has decent synergy with Jacky, as Jacky counters most, if not all of Sprout's main counters, such as tanks and assassins. On the other hand, Sprout is able to counter brawlers that pose a threat to Jacky such as Surge, Emz, and Otis. Jacky can also make use of Sprout's placed walls to hit enemies on the other side.

Sprouts walls can also be a great benefit to other throwers, as they can also benefit from the protection. However, it's rare that you'd want to intentionally pick multiple throwers when given the option, as this leaves your team weak to assassins.

Other brawlers that can pierce walls, have bounce shots, or that have wall-effects should also be considered, such as Mandy, Emz, R-T, Squeak, Gale, Ruffs, Rico, and Sam.

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This page was written by NightZhade and last updated on July 31, 2023. Follow this author below.

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