Brawler Gameplay Style
Shelly’s playstyle is all about getting close to enemies. Her fast movement speed makes it easier to dodge shots from long-range brawlers and reach them more quickly. Her Super can deal enormous damage and also charge up much of her Super again, allowing her to cycle her Super very rapidly if she gets close enough.
In bush-heavy maps and in ambushes, Shelly is one of the best brawlers to use because of her very high burst damage and fast Super charge rate, allowing her to destroy enemies (even other close range brawlers) quickly without giving them much time to react.
Gear Selection
Speed Gear (Effective): Shelly dominates in bush-heavy maps and already has a fast base movement speed, making the Speed Gear a very valuable addition to her kit.
Health Gear (Situational/Ineffective): Most of the time, Shelly can sneak up on enemies and quickly kill them without taking much damage. However, in more open maps, although she is rarely used in them, Shelly needs to approach enemies from a distance, making her a more vulnerable target without the Health Gear.
Damage Gear (Effective): The Damage Gear can help Shelly win more 1v1 scenarios by greatly increasing her damage output. It’s extremely Effective against tanks and high-damage enemies.
Vision Gear (Ineffective): Shelly depends on using bushes to sneak up to enemies, and attacking while in the bushes would give her position away to enemies. Her range is also not very long, and she wouldn’t be able to reveal enemies until she is close to them.
Shield Gear (Situational/Ineffective): The Shield Gear can increase Shelly’s survivability a little bit against long-range brawlers, but is overshadowed by the Speed and Damage Gears.
Advanced Mechanics
Shelly can score an unstoppable goal from behind a wall by kicking the ball and quickly using her super towards it. Her super will instantly break walls in front of the ball and knock any defending enemies back, making them unable to catch the ball.
Shelly’s Clay Pigeons gadget pairs up well with her Shell Shock Star Power. She can use her super to slow down enemies, then hit them from range with her gadget to quickly charge her super back up again. When using this strategy, make sure Shelly has all three ammo loaded to maximize potential super charge. Players better at aiming her shots at range can also do this when they have two ammo.
When using Shelly’s super near your own goals walls, make sure to aim her super away from the walls to avoid destroying them and thereby making defending more difficult. The opposite can be said when using it at the enemies’ goal. Try to aim Shelly’s super to hit the walls in front of the enemies goal, making it easier for you and your teammates to score.
When attacking low-HP enemies, avoid using Shelly’s super except in emergencies, since it relies on multiple projectiles to charge her super, greatly reducing the amount of super charge it provides.
Because of the increased number of projectiles, Shelly can charge her Super again in 1 hit after a point-blank Super, letting her chain Super very quickly. With all 3 ammo and a Super ready, she can deal 41,706 damage point-blank! (assuming the enemy isn’t already dead) Her Hypercharge also pairs well with her Shell Shock Star Power, as her speed boost lets her catch up to enemies that are knocked back.
Brawler Interactions
Shelly can knock back Buzz during their Supers. She can also knock back Max, Mortis, Maisie, Bonnie, and another Shelly mid-dash.
When Shelly has her Super ready, she can charge it back up by using it and one more attack at point blank range.
By cycling her Supers efficiently, Shelly can deal almost 15,000 burst damage at power 11 with three ammo if her Super is already ready. Keep in mind that this is only possible if all attacks are used efficiently, without missing a single projectile.
Against Rosa’s Super, after using Shelly’s Super once, wait a bit to use it again. It’s best if Shelly can knock Rosa back in the middle of her attack to minimize damage taken from Rosa. This wastes as much of Rosa’s Super as possible, leaving her open to Shelly’s full damage output. This strategy can be used against any enemy with a long unload time, like Pam or Buzz.
With her Band-Aid Star Power, Shelly can take 7,550 damage (at power 11). This only works if she does not die in one hit before the Star Power activates.
Brawler Synergies
Shelly works very well with Gene. Gene can pull enemies close to Shelly, who can defeat them easily. He can also reveal enemies in bushes who might ambush Shelly.
Shelly also pairs up well with snipers like Piper and Brock, who can attack from long range, covering Shelly’s main weakness.
Shelly pairs well with most support brawlers, such as Sandy (vision denial) and Crow (slowing toxins).
This page was written by Bobby5x3 and last updated on December 23, 2024. Follow this author below.