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Pearl Portrait
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Pearl counters all of these Brawlers
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Pearl is countered by these Brawlers

Pearl is a hybrid. She is reliant on her heat gauge that gets passively filled overtime. Your aim is to make sure you maintain pressure onto the enemy team while compromising your heat gauge as saving your heat gauge will allow you to deal a greater amount of burst damage.

Knockout → Her best game mode as Pearl is able to just wait around and stall until her heat gauge is filled up and can cover up for squishier brawlers on her team that are prone to assassins.

Hot Zone → Pearl’s Heat Shield Star Power offers high survivability and allows her to be played in any lane.


Speed Gear → The most popular Gear when Pearl's speed was lower. Currently still useful, but not mandatory.

Health Gear → The best Gear paired with the Heat Shield star power. This will allow you to get back into the fight as soon as possible.

Damage Gear → Offers even more burst damage and comes in clutch in multiple interactions.

Vision Gear → Appropriate in bushier maps as Pearl is able to spray to cover up certain areas.

Gadget Charge → Niche. Pearl has a solid gadget to force opponents back and increases the chances of your teammates making a successful push occasionally, but 3 of them is generally enough.


Shield Gear → Useless. Equipping this Gear barely changes any interactions, which isn’t necessary when Pearl’s Heat Shield already does the job.

Main attack: Narrower than Pam’s cone, most of the time you are able to auto aim at point blank range and at max range, but to optimally land projectiles with Pearl, you should aim whenever opponents enter the mid range of your cone.

How the heat gauge works: Pearl is a unique brawler in the sense that one of her main mechanics revolves around her heat gauge. This heat gauge automatically fills by itself over time and allows Pearl to deal even more burst damage. To utilize her heat gauge, you should try building it up at the start of the match and compromise it as much as possible throughout the match. If you die, the heat gauge resets and it can be hard to get back into action, as you might lose positioning.

super usage: Only use your super when absolutely necessary. Below is a list of what to do regarding Pearl’s super.

1. You should try and keep your super for when you are getting jumped.

2. Do not rush in and use your super when you still have other options available. It's a last resort, usually.

3. Not landing your super will leave you vulnerable as you have consumed either 50% of your heat gauge or 100% of it depending on your Star Power and are open to enemies jumping you. Do not use if you're uncertain on whether it'll hit it!

4. Your super can be canceled, so you should be careful when using it against opponents that have any form of Crowd Control available.

Mandy → Mandy is able to 3 shot Pearl, which means that you should avoid her and engage when you have your Heat Shield up.

Stu → It is very possible for Stu to dash out of the way of your narrow cone with his super, which could result in him completely evading your projectiles. Luckily, he has a low DPS so surviving an interaction with him isn’t a problem. Stay careful though!

Gray → He enables Pearl to go in and out quickly while also allowing her to get value out of the super by using Gray's teleport. Gray can also help pull in enemies with his gadget for Pearl to burst down. This is usually paired up with another tank.

Gene → In a similar sense to Gray, Gene can pull in opponents with his super. However, you have more freedom in team compositions with Gene as he can constantly heal his teammates with Magic Puffs, which you can easily build around. This also pairs up really well with Pearl’s Heat Shield.

Leon → His Gadget is perfect for stalling at the start of the match and can help build up Pearl’s heat gauge relatively risk-free.

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This page was written by Dede and last updated on April 3, 2024. Follow this author below.

Image resources courtesy of the Brawlify API.
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