Brawler Gameplay Style
Mortis’s playstyle is very fast-paced, due to his very fast movement speed paired with the mobility that his main attack provides.
Target squishy brawlers over tankier ones, and low-DPS brawlers over high-DPS ones (ex. Barley over Chester, Piper over Griff), as you will be able to defeat them more easily.
Avoid using Mortis’ Super on a single enemy. Always try to hit multiple enemies to maximize Super charge and healing.
To approach enemies across long distances, use Mortis’s main attack to dodge attacks while getting closer to them.
When attacking multiple enemies at the same time, prioritize using Mortis’s Super before his main attacks to maximize Super charge.
Count enemy ammo and try to attack when Mortis’s targets have little to no ammo remaining.
Gear Selection
Speed Gear (Situational/Effective): Mortis has a very fast movement speed, and he can use the Speed Gear to greatly increase his mobility in bush-heavy maps like Hard Rock Mine or Double Swoosh. Increasing his speed reduces his reliance on his main attack for movement, allowing him to use his main attack for more damage instead.
Health Gear (Situational): The Health Gear is useful in open maps, where Mortis doesn’t have a lot of cover. In these scenarios, he can heal very quickly between attacks, keeping the pressure on the enemy team.
Damage Gear (Effective): Due to Mortis’s low base damage, the Damage Gear is extremely useful in most scenarios, allowing Mortis to defeat enemies much more easily.
Vision Gear (Ineffective): Due to Mortis’ low range, the Vision Gear provides few benefits and is greatly overshadowed by all of the other Gears.
Shield Gear (Situational): In situations where the enemy team has a relatively high damage output (brawlers like Colt, Rico, Pam, etc.), the shield Gear can greatly increase Mortis’s survivability while approaching enemies. Most of the time, it is overshadowed by the Speed and Damage Gears.
Gadget Charge (Situational/Effective): In maps without many bushes, where the Speed gear isn’t as useful, the Gadget Charge gear can be used with Damage instead. If you aren’t comfortable with being able to time your healing in the heat of the battle, the Gadget Charge gear can be used instead of the Health gear.
Mythic Gear (Situational/Effective): Mortis’ Mythic gear provides little value over the others except during his Hypercharge. Unless you are skilled at chaining Supers quickly, this gear isn’t recommended.
Advanced Mechanics
When facing enemies with high burst damage (Shelly, Leon, Bull, etc.) Mortis can charge his super by dashing into them once, then continue dashing away from them. This guarantees some super charge while keeping him safe. If the enemy has low ammo, Mortis can also attack a second time before retreating.
Mortis is the only brawler with no implicit unload delay, and instead the delay time depends on the amount of time required to cover the distance you're dashing. You see the effect of this when inexperienced players repeatedly dash into a wall. Avoid auto-aiming around corners, as this can result in a loss of all 3 ammo with no movement. It can also be utilized when attacking an enemy next to a wall, as aiming into the wall with the enemy in the attack path will unload his attacks on them very quickly, leaving little time for retaliation.
There is no delay after using his Combo Spinner gadget, which means you can use the gadget and immediately attack or super, resulting in high burst damage. Advanced players often reconfigure their controls to make this technique easier.
In Brawl Ball, Mortis can pass the ball to himself by kicking it and dashing towards it, allowing him to travel across the map with the ball very quickly, which can be made even faster with the Survival Shovel gadget. Keep in mind that this strategy consumes ammo very quickly and should not be used when there are enemies guarding the goal, unless Mortis is already very close to it. This strategy can also be used against a brawler guarding the goal by bouncing the ball off the wall across from the goal and dashing across the goal to catch it, allowing him to switch from one side of the goal to the other, to bypass the enemy.
Against enemies with low unload speed (like Frank, Bibi, Ash, Pam, Buzz, El Primo, etc.), Mortis can dash through the enemy when they attack to either avoid the attack (against Frank, Bibi, and Ash) or dodge multiple projectiles.
In Gem Grab, Mortis can grab gems that spawn on the opponents’ side of the map by using his charged dash to grab it and quickly dash away, minimizing any possibility of getting killed in the process. (Although generally, Mortis is not an ideal gem carrier and should instead be focused on applying map pressure.)
When getting hit with a knockback attack, such as Gene’s Lamp Blowout or Emz’s Friendzoner, Mortis can also dash away rather than trying to attack again, since he can use the knockback to escape a dangerous situation even faster. Your opponents will generally expect you to dash back in, and changing direction will often throw them off-guard.
Mortis’ Hypercharge almost guarantees a teamwipe, since he can damage enemies twice, heal twice, and get double the Super charge from a single Super, which lets him chain Supers even faster, leading to a devastating snowball effect.
Brawler Interactions
When Mortis gets hit by Buzz’s Super, he can dash out of the way to avoid getting stunned, with the right timing.
With the healing from the Creepy Harvest Star Power, Mortis can survive a third attack from Bibi, Fang, El Primo, Rosa, Cordelius (without Comboshrooms), Maisie, and Hank.
Against spawner brawlers, Mortis should aim his attacks to avoid auto-targeting spawnables (and getting hit by them).
Enemies with high HP and low burst damage (such as Frank, Ash, Hank, Bibi, Meg, and Bonnie) can be used as a means for Mortis to easily charge his Super.
Brawler Synergies
Mortis synergizes well with Tara and Jacky, who can pull enemies into a single area, making it easy for Mortis to hit multiple enemies and teamwipe.
Gus’s Super can be extremely beneficial to Mortis, as the extra HP he gets will make charging his Super much easier and allow him to take on enemies with higher damage outputs.
Poco synergizes well with Mortis in taking down teams, since Poco can also hit multiple enemies at once while healing Mortis when needed.
Byron can also greatly help Mortis by providing a source of consistent healing.
Brawlers with slowing mechanics, such as Crow's Slowing Toxin gadget or Squeak's Residue gadget, can help Mortis catch his opponents so that all of his attacks can be used for damage and not only movement.
This page was written by Bobby5x3 and last updated on December 23, 2024. Follow this author below.