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Lou counters all of these Brawlers
PocoPamEl PrimoBullJackyFrank8-BitDarryl
Lou is countered by these Brawlers

It’s important to not play Lou too aggressively because he doesn’t do a lot of high burst damage, and he also doesn’t have a lot of health. It’s better to keep your distance and try to charge your super from afar while focusing on map control.

Playing Lou on Siege is so much fun. Being able to throw your super over the bolts to prevent the enemies from collecting them, really makes your and your teammates jobs a lot easier. The enemies will be slipping all over your ice, and you can use your “Cryo Syrup Gadget” to freeze multiple enemies if necessary for some easy kills.

Also, playing Lou on Siege to stun and slow the robot is important. Make sure you wait until the siege bot is within the radius of your team’s IKE, then throw down your super. Make sure you are aiming a bit in front, so if the bot is still walking forward, it still has to travel over your super to get to the IKE. Also save your ammo until the boss is within the radius of your team’s IKE. You don’t want to be freezing it when it’s outside of that radius, you won’t get the additional help from the IKE. If you must, use your “Cryo Syrup Gadget,” to help freeze the enemy Siege bot nonstop and prevent it from reaching your team’s IKE.

Playing Lou in Hot Zone is also a no brainer. Try to mainly play Lou on Hot Zone maps that have one Hot Zone such as Ring of Fire, Open Zone, or Dueling Beetles. This will make it easier for you to focus all of your attention to throwing your super into one Hot Zone. Enemies won’t want to walk onto your super because they will roll the dice of possibly sliding and not being able to maneuver properly, or they can get frozen from your gadget.

Playing Lou in other game modes can work out as well. Focus on blocking the main choke points where you know the enemies need to cross in order to get to the main part of the map. This will force them to either try and dash through your super, with the possibility of getting frozen up. Or the enemies will have to wait until the super is finished, causing them to lose pressure and control.

Speed (Ineffective): Not recommended unless playing on maps that have bushes where you can strongly benefit from a speed boost. But even then, speed Gear is one of the least used Gears on Lou.

Damage (Effective): Pairs very well with the “Super Charge Gear.” Lou can struggle with finishing off opponents due to only having three projectiles per one main attack. Damage Gear is highly recommended when playing Lou.

Health (Ineffective): Not recommended because Lou only has 6400 health at max level. No point in running Health Gear when Lou doesn’t have a lot of health to regenerate to begin with.

Shield (Situational): Can be helpful if playing against some higher DPS brawlers such as Emz and Tara who can counter Lou. This can help Lou stay alive a bit longer. Still not seen as often on many Pro Lou players.

Vision (Ineffective): Highly discouraged. No value from Vision Gear since Lou’s super can damage enemies that are standing on top. Just throw your super in the bushes, and that can be your key to scouting out the enemies.

Gadget Charge (Effective): Very useful since “Cryo Syrup Gadget” is such a crucial part to Lou’s overall kit. Highly recommended to use Gadget Charge Gear, to have an extra Cryo Syrup Gadget which can ultimately, get you more supers and more kills.

Super Charge (Effective): A must have Gear with Lou. Lou’s most important part to his kit is his super. Being able to chain supers and keep control of the map is so critical. Running the Super Charge Gear will help struggling Lou players charge their supers a bit quicker! This Gear can truly make or break getting your next super!

Ice Block can make you immune to any damage only when the gadget is active. You will not be immune to knockback stun or pulls however. Once the gadget is finished, you will be taking damage from anything and everything again, just like normal.

Pets such as Nita’s bear and Mr. P’s porters have a frost meter as well if you do decide to attack them. They also have the same slipping mechanics as brawlers do, when on top of Lou’s super.

If you are using the Hypothermia Star Power, the damage reduction that can affect enemy brawlers, can also work on enemy pets AND turrets. They will have a damage reduction depending on how charged up their Frost Meter is.

Throwing your super into bushes causes enemies that are standing on your super to take damage every second. This can be an easy way to scout a large area of the map, and make sure opponents can’t get close to you that easily.

Focus on trying to stun people when they are about to do some heavy damage, or use their super. Surprising enemies with the “Cryo Syrup Gadget” can interrupt their super or attack and help you get a confirmed kill and pressure. Can be used to interrupt Frank, Bull, Carl, Darryl, Fang, Buster, Maisie, and Buzz super’s just to name a few.

Spike: Combine your super with Spike’s super. They will be slipping and sliding from your super, plus with the addition of Spike’s super, they will be slowed down and taking more damage per second. Spike also deals more DPS than Lou, so it should make it easier to take down the enemies.

Tara: Combine your super with Tara’s super. They will be slipping and sliding from your super, plus with the addition of Tara’s super, she will have an easier time trying to pull the enemies, since they won’t be having crisp movements.

Penny: Penny can be an underrated brawler when combined with Lou. Penny mortar bombs will have a higher chance of connecting if enemies are slipping on the ice. They won’t be able to get out of the way, thus taking more damage. Also, Penny splashes can be devastating if multiple enemies are stacked on Lou’s super.

Bo: Once the enemies are starting to slide ont op of your super, Bo can throw his mines on top of Lou’s super as well to help deal more damage or have the chance to stun if Bo is using the Snare a Bear Star Power.

Crow: Crow can chip people away from a distance when the enemies are slipping or get frozen on Lou’s super. To make it even more difficult for the enemies to escape, Crow can use his Slowing Toxin Gadget, so that the enemies move slower on top of Lou’s super.

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This page was written by Bren and last updated on October 13, 2023. Follow this author below.

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