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Janet Portrait
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Gem Grab IconBrawl Ball Icon
Janet counters all of these Brawlers
Janet is countered by these Brawlers

Janet’s playstyle is fully dependent on her team and the team you are facing, though generally being more aggressive is where you find the sweet spot. When being aggressive your goal is to keep poking at the opponents in order to slowly push them back or force them into bad positioning. Because of your super it should be really difficult for the enemies to kill Janet without overextending. When playing passive you should mainly try to hold your lane by guarding chokepoints. It is recommended to switch between the two playstyle quickly to adapt to the current situation. Overall, Janet’s matchups tend to rely on positioning and timing, which makes most situations winnable with proper foresight, making her an excellent neutral pick.

Gem Grab allows Janet to make maximum use of her super and gadget in order to make for a reliable lane that is difficult for the opponents to win. Her ability to scout bushes and work well around walls help her in being very versatile in various different positions. Brawl Ball also lets Janet make use of her versatility. She is able to evade most assassins and allow her teammates to make quick work of them without losing positioning.

Generally, Janet requires a medium range map for her to be able to unleash all she’s got. Too long ranged and she loses due to her relatively short range, too close range and she won’t have the damage to hold off the onslaught of tanks and assassins coming her way. Similarly with walls, too little and she’s at the mercy of snipers, but too many and she will rely on the 2nd Gadget to have even a glimmer of hope against throwers

Speed (Effective): Extremely good because Janet lacks movement speed. Allows her to be more aggressive and harder to punish. Since she thrives in map with more bushes, she naturally benefits greatly of this Gear.

Health (Effective): Very useful as Janet doesn’t have the longest of ranges and often receives damage throughout interactions. Health Gear will make sure she’s full health to hold her lane.

Vision (Effective): Good in bushy maps. Having no issues scouting bushes and being a control brawler, it should come as no surprise Vision Gear is a good choice on Janet.

Damage (Situational): Generally good Gear that makes certain matchups easier and more consistent. Gives Janet a noticeable increase in her burst damage, but doesn’t overcome her issues against high HP brawlers.

Shield (Ineffective): Not recommended. Very niche use cases, such as when she’s in a team with a healer or in modes such as Knockout.

Gadget Charge (Ineffective): While Janet's gadget is helpful she benefits more from other Gears, so +1 is not recommended and niche at best.

Ending super inside a wall allows you to get pushed out of the side you are facing.

super allows Janet to scout invisible brawlers and bushes (even without 1st Star Power, though less effectively).

Vision Gear works with Drop The Bass, giving very clear information on enemy movement in bushes.

When flying with super alongside edges of the map, the bombs will drop straight down, which can help land multiple bombs on the same person.

When trying to circle a single person it is more effective to try flying in an 8 pattern rather than in a circle as the bombs don’t drop straight down.

Pay close attention to your super charge; When close to it, you can bait enemy supers then use your own for a safe escape.

Precharging attacks before engaging helps quickly hit shots at max range, should the opportunity present itself.

Your Star Power and gadget as well as Gears should be adjusted towards your team as Janet is very team reliant.

Buzz, Fang, and similar assassins' super can be wasted by quickly pressing super or 2nd Gadget and shooting at a slight angle from the direction they are approaching.

Janet pairs decently with single projectile characters as she can comfortably deal with pets (such as Charlie's spiders) for them and help them by scouting bushes (examples: Maisie, Piper, Gray).

Janet benefits from having at least one anti-tank brawler on her team, disallowing high HP brawlers to overrun her and helping them pick up kills through Janet's chip damage (examples: Spike, Rico, Gale).

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This page was written by Tuyusoul and last updated on August 5, 2024. Follow this author below.

Image resources courtesy of the Brawlify API.
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