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Gray counters all of these Brawlers
Gray is countered by these Brawlers
Mr. PGusTaraNaniSamR-TLolaStu

Gray is an assassin that specializes in 1 on 1 match ups; he's best played as a tool to pick off 1 particular enemy at a time, poking at enemies to get his super and - in the right moment - to teleport right up to the vulnerable opponent and burst him down, ideally teleporting away soon after.

Health (Ineffective) - Gray rarely stays alive long enough after a teleport to make great use of the increased healing; Also made redundant with his New Perspective star power.

Vision (Ineffective) - Gray isn't a great option on bushy maps and only needs approximate enemy locations for his super/gadget.

Speed (Ineffective) - Gray's movement speed is good enough for the playstyle he has and could make better use out of other Gears.

Shield (Effective) - The 600 extra HP provided by this Gear often lets Gray take 1 more hit from quite a few brawlers he's good against, therefore it lets him stay alive a lot easier while bursting down an enemy brawler he teleported to. Also synergizes with the Fake Injury star power!

Damage (Effective) - Gray often gets to low HP after a teleport and the extra damage this Gear provides allows him to burst down some brawlers he otherwise would struggle against.

Gray's teleport can be placed behind unbreakable walls onto a key point of the map, allowing for easier access and more control of the location.

Gray’s teleport can also be combined with his Walking Cane gadget to create a weaker Gene pull; teleporting right after successfully landing a pull makes the enemy get brought right where Gray teleported from. This allows him to bring a high-priority target right into Gray's teammates for a free kill, while also teleporting into some other enemy brawler.

While an enemy is being pulled by Gray, they’re temporarily ‘stunned’ and cannot attack if the pulling animation isn’t over. You can use this to throw enemies off or to cancel any ongoing animations/supers, such as Mandy, Maisie, Carl, or Colt’s super.

Gray’s Walking Cane gadget also gives the next projectile a slightly larger hitbox than normal - you can use this to catch enemies off-guard if they’re just barely out of your range.

Gray's teleport pad stays on the map after being used. It recharges in ~1 second on it's own and can be "readied up" by stepping on it afterwards. This can be used to catch enemies offguard if they didn't see you step on it. This is especially important in tight endgames on knockout, where having to get the teleport working again can be the difference between a won or lost round.

At level 11, Gray can 3-shot any brawler below or at 5200 HP or - assuming damage gear is active the entire time - 6000 HP. It's recommended to try and land a shot on the brawler you're teleporting, because the ammo reloads before the enemy gets to heal back up and it lets Gray burst down enemies much easier.

Crow’s attack and Byron’s ‘Malaise’ star power lower the healing New Perspective gives - It should be taken into account before using Gray’s teleport for healing!

If the enemy is right next to an unbreakable wall, Gray’s gadget will pull them right through it, leaving them exposed in the open. This is, however, inconsistent and may not work 100% of the time, therefore it’s advised to not rely too heavily on it.

Gray pairs incredibly well with all support brawlers, but the most notable combinations are:

Gray + Gus: Gus' shield stays with Gray after he teleports, therefore it allows him to stay alive much better and to kill higher HP brawlers than usual, assuming Gus is using the damage-increasing star power. The shield also stacks with Gray's Fake Injury star power, effectively giving him way more HP.

Gray + Ruffs: Ruffs' super allows Gray to deal more damage and have more health, which makes him even better at assassinating enemy brawlers.

Gray also works very well with close range brawlers, letting them teleport right into key spots on the map.

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This page was written by Domori and last updated on August 22, 2023. Follow this author below.

Image resources courtesy of the Brawlify API.
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