Brawler Gameplay Style
Edgar's playstyle consists of Edgar waiting for the perfect moment to strike, team wiping the enemy or getting important kills to allow his team to get a push going. He can also work as passive pressure, as Edgar is one of the deadliest brawlers at close range making the enemy stay on their side to avoid Edgar.
Gear Selection
Damage Gear: Because of Edgar's lifesteal being based on his damage, Damage is a must have for Edgar as it not only increases his damage, but also increases his lifesteal.
Super charge: Super charge works well on Edgar, especially with his let's fly! gadget as it makes his trait last for 3 less seconds and makes his super 10 hits.
Shield: Shield Gear works decently on Edgar as it helps him with his below average health, it can substitute ‘Super Charge’ Gear in modes like Knockout and Solo showdown.
Speed: Since Edgar is a very fast and melee brawler, speed works well on him in bushy maps.
Health: Because of Edgar's low health, he doesn't benefit much from health.
Vision: Edgar's range is too low to make any use from vision.
Advanced Mechanics
Edgar can use his super to evade enemy attacks, this takes time, skill and prediction to pull off successfully as it comes at the cost of Edgar using his super.
Edgar can use his super before his attack finishes unloading, which allows him thanks to his not extremely fast projectile speed to unload both of his attacks while using his super, allowing him to gain a technical 10/8 hit super charge after he lands, this tech is hard to pull off and is somewhat rare to happen.
Edgar can use his Fisticuffs star power to avoid losing super charge that would have been lost when using Hard landing, because of the star power only dealing damage and not charging Edgar's super, saving around 5 to 2.5 seconds of waiting for Edgar's super to recharge automatically.
Brawler Interactions
Edgar can use his Hard landing star power to kill enemies who have health between 4861-5860 and between 6481-7480 in 1 less ammo.
Edgar can use his Fisticuffs star power to survive 3 attacks from Bibi, Fang, Rosa when he normally can't.
Edgar's attack range is slightly more than gadgets like Friendzoner (Emz) and Lamp Blowout (Gene), allowing him to out range them and kill an enemy he normally wouldn't.
Edgar should aim his attack when against enemies with a spawnable to prioritize hitting the enemy and not the spawnable, such as Nita’s bear, or Mr. P’s porters.
Enemies like Frank and Meg who have high health but can't deal with Edgar well can work as super recharge stations, allowing Edgar to reliably recharge his super off of them.
Brawler Synergies
Edgar synergizes with brawlers like Tara who can pull the enemy closer or force them into a specific place.
He also synergizes extremely well with supports whose ability is overtime like Gus and Max, in which unlike Poco, their support ability isn't a burst of healing or speed.
He also does well with brawlers who can deal high damage but have a hard time finishing off enemies like Colette in which the enemy would be extremely low on HP to be able to deal with Edgar and with his lifesteal, Edgar would be unharmed or still high on HP most of the time.
Control brawlers like Crow who can debuff the enemy can work well with Edgar if you plan ahead a push, in which for example Crow slows the entire enemy team and Edgar can catch all 3 of them.
This page was written by Edgar Gaming and last updated on July 26, 2023. Follow this author below.