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Chuck Portrait
Star Powers


Best Game Modes
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Chuck counters all of these Brawlers
BarleyDynamikeGromSproutByronColtMr. PSqueak
Chuck is countered by these Brawlers
CharlieShellyBullFangOtisGaleEl PrimoSurge

Exact Chuck stats (at P11)

Attack: Shoots out 3 steam clouds one at a time that pierce and deal more dmg the closer the enemy is.

Range: 6.67 tiles (Similar to Emz)

Dmg: 540-1080 dmg

Takes 0.5 sec to complete.

SCR: 6.75%-13.5%

Reload speed: 2 sec (Similar to Spike & Surge)

Projectile Speed: 1750 (Similar to Barley)

Super stats (at P11)

If there are no nearby posts, it places a post down that knocks enemies back. Max. 3 posts.

If within 6.67 tiles of a post: Dashes to it with a 50% shield, and repeatedly continues dashing to the next post within 10 tiles if applicable. (Cannot go through walls)

Range: 6.67 tiles for dashing, 10 tiles to connect posts

SCR: 10% when hitting an enemy with a post, 43.75% when dashing

Projectile speed: 1500

Dmg: 800 (Post), 3500 (Dashing)

Chuck starts the match/respawns with 1% of Super charge.

Chuck matchups, based on whether he can dash to someone and kill them present as so:

Easily killed by Chuck: Amber, Barley, Bea, Belle, Bo, Byron, Colt, Dynamike, Grom, Mr. P, Sprout, Squeak, Mandy

Likely killed by Chuck: Bibi, Brock, Crow, Eve, Frank, Gene, Gus, Jessie, Lola, Mortis, Poco, Rico, Ruffs, Tick

Enemy can escape: 8-bit, Emz, Janet, Max, Piper, Sandy, Stu, Gray

50/50: Bonnie, Carl, Colette, Lou, Nani, Nita, Pam, Meg, Spike, Tara, Buster, Chester, R-T, Willow, Hank

Chuck probably gets killed: Ash, Buzz, Darryl, Edgar, Griff, Jacky, Leon, Penny, Sam, Cordelius, Pearl, Charlie, Mico, Doug

YOU ARE NOT WINNING: Bull, Fang, Gale, Otis, El Primo, Rosa, Shelly, Surge, Maisie

Speed (Ineffective): Doesn’t give as much value as the others.

Health (Effective): Makes sense with Chuck’s high health, allowing him to use his super safely earlier.

Damage (Effective): Especially useful in Heist where you’re in combat a lot when dashing.

Vision (Ineffective): Your job isn't to scout enemies in bushes but dash in the open. Enough said.

Shield (Effective): Helps Chuck survive 1 more hit by a couple more brawlers, especially important with a brawler in the open very often (while dashing).

Gadget Charge (Ineffective): Only useful when you’re trying the Rerouting + Pit Stop combo in Hot Zone. Not recommended.

Place your posts where most enemies will go to/important choke points. E.g. Hot Zone: The hot zone(s), or Heist: The safe. This is why Chuck shines in these modes-the others just don’t have as important points.

Heal up before dashing. This is an obvious tip but it still needs to be said. Lots of noob Chucks dash in with half health and dash in, instantly dying... like most close quarters combat oriented brawlers, you will want to wait to be at max health before going in to ensure high chances of success. (Obviously, this doesn’t apply to when you’re in combat.)

For Hot Zone: Make sure to place the posts in a triangle/square formation.

Heist: Make sure your dash goes through the safe for big damage on it with every super. That’s the only reason why he’s good there.

Gem Grab: Do a straight line (like in Heist) so you can dash to the enemy gem carrier for quick assassinations if necessary.

Do not be afraid of dying if that means you can place your super in a hard-to-reach but crucial point.

Because of how the poles work, make sure you wait and use your super at the start point to ensure getting to the end point.

You should start the match passively, waiting for the right moment to place down your poles. Once all of them are down at where you want, then you play aggressively and spam supers. (super chaining is important!)

Use Ghost Train to surprise throwers by going through a wall quickly. Just place a super across to their side of the wall, press the gadget, then super.

The actual dash connecting range is 10 tiles, more than the 6.67 tiles shown, so you can get away with putting a post slightly out of the range. Just make sure to not actually have it out of range...

Chuck is immune to knockback during his dash. It can only be interrupted by a stun or a special ability (Charlie, Cordelius).

Your super still charges while in Charlie's cocoon. This can be used to immediately dash away once you're free.

Ruffs: Ruffs's Super boosts Chuck's damage and health, which makes him much more of a threat with how often he gets into action.

High DPS: Chuck synergizes well with brawlers that can make up for his inconsistent DPS outside the objective.

Video Guides

This page was written by best8meme and last updated on February 14, 2024. Follow this author below.

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