

Chester Portrait
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Chester counters these Brawlers

Chester is countered by these Brawlers


Playing Chester - as long as you’re not low on HP - you’ll always want to be aggressive to get your super - your best sources of super charge are tanky brawlers and squishies.

After you get your super, think about how you’re gonna use it; This’ll be important for the game plan because with Chester you always have to think on the spot. You might not get the kills - just apply pressure to help your teammates.

All of his supers are viable in Brawl Ball, Gem Grab and Hot Zone. All these modes have two things in common for him: trying to put on constant pressure and maintaining area control. In short, he is a great area control brawler.

Chester is good on bushy, close-to-midrange maps where he can apply a lot of pressure and close the gap between his opponent. Maps like “Undermine” in Gem Grab or “Retina” in Brawl Ball are pretty good for him.

Damage (Effective): Best Chester Gear. It’s important to deal as much damage as possible with Chester as it’s one of his biggest strengths. Use this 99% of the time.

Speed (Effective): 2nd best Gear for him, should be used on bushy maps almost all the time.

Vision (Effective): Can be used on bushy maps in combination with the speed Gear. You still have to be careful, though.

Gadget Charge (Effective): If you want to play him in non-bushy maps, use this instead of the speed Gear. You’ll make great use of your gadgets.

Health (Ineffective): Useless. Chester should constantly deal damage and put on pressure. It also doesn’t work well with Damage Gear. Definitely the worst Gear for him.

Shield (Ineffective): He already has a good amount of health. Not recommended.

Chester needs knowledge. You need to know how much damage each sequence does; With the 1-2-3 sequence, you deal 7680 damage (without Single Bell’O’Mania). But with the 2-3-4 sequence, you deal 11,520 damage - 3840 damage more, that is. Using the first star power, 1-2-3 sequence deals 8960 damage, making the difference 2560. Knowing this will be crucial, because there’s a lot of brawlers you can push on when you know these sequences and the damage they deal. It’s also important to know your super charges in 7 hits.

1) Candy Popper: Best Chester super. It deals 3760 damage. If you hit the enemy with 1-2 sequence, 95% of the time, Candy Popper will finish them. Can also be used to push enemies back to score goals or maintain area control. Also the best super against throwers. Although, If it’s not helping you in a BAD SITUATION, don’t be afraid to change it.

2) Salmiakki: This is the 2nd best super. It’ll prevent enemies from healing and deal a great amount of damage. It lasts 7 seconds, dealing 580 damage per, adding up to 4060 damage. Same as Candy Popper, it allows you to maintain good area control and keep the enemies away from you. It’ll charge your super by 7,25% per tick, meaning it’ll fill your super almost halfway. Knowing this is important as hitting your opponent 3 times after it will result in you cycling a second super. This will come in handy.

3) Strong Mint: You’ll heal for 3 seconds, each second healing you 1600, totalling 4800 HP. This can be used in 2 different ways; Using it right before going aggressive or using it on low HP. Using it on full health won't get you above your max, but if you get hit during those 3 seconds, it will automatically get you back to full.

4) Jawbreaker: 1 second stun on any enemy Chester hits. It can help you get some kills, but 95% of the time, using this on long range will make you waste the super due to the projectile’s slow speed. If you’re close to your opponent though, you can combine this with your specific sequences and guarantee a kill. It’ll also cancel the supers of brawlers who have long super animations, like Fang’s, Mico’s, Buzz’s, Pearl’s etc.

5) Pop Rocks: Worst super by far. Can work in very planned scenarios, but those won’t happen often. Change it with Spicy Dice.

Lily: She has to hit you one more time to kill you when she supers and unloads all of her ammo on you. This allows you to burst her down with the 2-3-4 sequence. You can also attack her from afar and lower her HP. This way, she can’t throw her super at you without getting instantly wiped out.

Kit: Have your 3rd and 4th bell ready. He won’t be able to jump onto you this way as you’ll be able to instakill him.

Mico: Your 3rd and 4th bell can finish him. Wait for him to land, then attack.

Crow: If Chester gets hit by all 3 of Crow’s attacks, using Healing Mint will fully recover that HP loss.

Edgar: If Edgar jumps on you with his shield gadget, the 3rd and 4th bell won’t be enough to kill him. You’ll need to hit him one more time.

Extra: Chester’s 4th bell can finish off every brawler under 5k hp.

Chester and Gene: Pretty simple. Gene’ll get his super and uses it when he is next to Chester. When Gene fully pulls the enemy, Chester will finish the enemy for good.

Chester and Byron (or any healer): Chester’s playstyle is being aggressive, meaning he’s likely to lose HP. Healers will help him deal with that without needing to fall back.

Chester and Charlie: When Charlie cocoons her enemies, Chester can wait next to the cocoon and when the enemy comes out, Chester finishes the enemy.

Chester and Gray: Gray’s portal is excellent with Chester. Gray can put his portal into the right spot and no enemy can come close to it without dying from Chester.

Video Guides

This page was written by AverageChesterMain and last updated on August 5, 2024. Follow this author below.

Image resources courtesy of the Brawlify API.
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