

Brock Portrait
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Brock counters these Brawlers

8-BitNitaPamShellyMr. PHankSpikeEmz
Brock is countered by these Brawlers


Brock’s play style is all about hitting enemies from far away, staying away from all the action.

Due to Brock’s slow projectile speed, avoid using auto-aim on moving targets unless they are moving directly towards you.

Due to the fire left behind by his rockets and the area denial of his Super, Brock can also effectively control key points of the map for long periods of time.

Speed Gear (Situational/Ineffective): In bush-heavy maps, Brock can increase his mobility to be able to better escape enemies and control key points on the map. However, opponents tend to play his counters in bush-heavy maps, making the Speed Gear much less useful where it could be used.

Health Gear (Ineffective): Brock doesn’t have much HP to begin with, so hits from anything can take out a huge chunk of it. However, in his good maps, he rarely gets hit if played properly, making the Health Gear much less useful, since he can easily just retreat from the fight and heal up.

Damage Gear (Effective): Brock can deal enormous damage from long range, especially with his splash damage and Super, and the Damage Gear can greatly increase that damage. If Brock ever takes damage, rather than needing to retreat, he can push back even harder in many situations.

Vision Gear (Situational): Brock’s rockets are very narrow and it’s hard to hit enemies in bushes reliably. However, the splash damage can reveal enemies, making it usable in open maps with bushes.

Shield Gear (Situational/Effective): Brock has low HP, so the Shield Gear can increase his survivability a little bit, especially against other snipers. It can also help him survive 1v1 interactions that he wouldn’t have won otherwise by surviving an extra hit.

Reload Gear (Effective): Brock has a slow reload speed, and this Gear helps him with that weakness, greatly increasing the reliability of his damage output. It is a very valuable Gear and should always be used.

Gadget Charge Gear (Situational/Effective): Brock's gadgets are extremely versatile and can help him secure kills or escape enemies. The Gadget Charge Gear is useful in Knockout, Bounty, or Wipeout because of their use in keeping him safe and securing kills.

Even when Brock’s rockets don’t hit an enemy, they still deal splash damage when they reach their maximum distance. Brock’s splash damage also lets him hit enemies around corners at maximum range, if the enemy is standing near a corner.

Brock’s splash damage can let him hit enemies on the other side of walls if they are touching the wall.

When escaping a close-range brawler with Brock’s Rocket Laces gadget, avoid facing towards the enemy. This knocks the enemy towards Brock’s landing spot instead of away from it. Always face sideways or away from the enemy, but never towards them.

Brock’s Rocket Laces gadget can be used to jump over walls in emergencies (dodging shots, reaching the Heist safe, finishing off an enemy before they heal, etc.)

Since the Rocket Laces gadget knocks enemies back, it can interrupt attacks with a windup (Frank, Bibi, and Ash’s main attacks, Maisie, Mandy, and Meg’s supers, etc.) or attacks with a long execution time, such as Colt’s and Carl’s supers, for example.

Brock's Rocket Laces gadget makes him immune to all damage from hits, while airborne. This includes triggered abilities such as R-T's "Hacks!" gadget, but does not include damage over time effects.

Brock’s Rocket Fuel gadget can be used to quickly hit a low HP enemy. Even though the gadget is meant to break walls, the bigger explosion radius and faster speed make it a powerful weapon to finish off low-HP enemies quickly.

In Heist, aim Brock’s super slightly below the Safe rather than centered on it. This will also land the upper left and upper right rockets on the Safe instead of only the center ones, dealing much more damage.

Brock’s super actually deals less damage at its lower right corner. When aiming it, aim a little lower and more to the right than needed, in order to maximize damage dealt.

Brock’s Hypercharge has enormous area denial and can deal incredible amounts of damage to groups of enemies. Unlike his regular Super, his Hypercharged Super can’t be dodged by simply moving, since it covers his entire Super area at the same time. Because of this, it also doesn’t need to be aimed at an offset like his regular Super. It also deals much higher damage to the Heist safe because of its bigger hitbox.

A way to deal more damage to the Heist safe is by activating Brock’s Hypercharge after activating his Super. This won’t change his Super’s attack pattern, but it will give it the damage boost from his Hypercharge.

Brock can actually auto-aim against 8-Bit (without his Plugged In SP) and never miss because 8-Bit is too slow to avoid Brock’s splash damage.

Brock can defeat Tick and Meg (without Mech) in two hits if he has at least one level advantage over them, or any form of damage buff, including the Damage Gear.

With his Rocket No. 4 SP, at power 11, he can defeat enemies with 9,280 HP or less with all 4 ammo.

The most damage Brock can deal to an enemy with his Super at power 11 is 8,320 damage (hitting two sets of rockets), which can become 12,480 with his "More Rockets!" Star Power.

Brock pairs well with R-T, as R-T can effectively defend Brock from assassins, and Brock can fairly easily trigger R-T's marks on their opponents.

Brock synergizes well with anyone who can help guard him against his counters (who are mainly assassins). He does well with mid-range brawlers like Griff, Shelly, and Tara.

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This page was written by Bobby5x3 and last updated on December 23, 2024. Follow this author below.

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